chef plating foraged plants and fungi

The Cookbook

Deathcap and Hemlock’s recipes are hand-picked fresh from the field to bring you dishes that will ignite your tastebuds. Create a dreadful feast that will nourish the dark depths of your soul.

Don’t attempt to make any of these in the feeble kitchen of a mere mortal.

Catch of the day: Fresh picks

  • A New Form of Communion

    by Kurt Van Ristell

    If what you seek lies beyond the kitchen, this hearty dish—carefully prepared—may be for you.

  • Roast Chicken

    by Elliot Bird

    This recipe is for those committed to careful and accurate preparation.

  • Dushpara, or Dumplings to Cleanse a Soul

    by Alexa K Moon

    A special dish for your little sister and whatever else has taken up residence within her.

  • Mushroom Stew

    by Meg Candelaria

    Edible, probably. Guests, optionally. Survival, possibly.

  • New Year/New You Champagne Cocktail

    by Laura Brennan

    Forget resolutions! This cocktail will guarantee a new you for the new year.

  • Fairy Ring Yule Bread Pudding

    by Melissa Koons

    This bread pudding is just the thing for that particular Yuletide host who loves collecting.

  • "Xanadu" Cocktail with Artisanal Ice

    by Sasha Brown

    What will you find frozen in the artisanal ice you must seek to craft this cocktail?

  • Grandma Kitty's Time-Travel Meat Broth

    by Jason P. Burnham

    For the adventurer, a dish that can take you anytime! Careful with those leftovers.

  • Your First Cup of Soorj After the Death of Your Beloved Nana

    by Jolie Toomajan
    Brew up a nice warm hug from Nana... but at what cost? This one’s for you, Nana.


